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时间:2017-03-30 21:26 类别:热点新闻

BRIEF-LPL Financial Holdings files for potential mixed shelf

GDP各省总量超“全国”并非新鲜事,从2010年至2015年,官方发布的国内生产总值初步核算分别为408903 华夏时报记者栗泽宇北京报道今天燕郊房地产市场的种...

EM Daily:Argentina,Upside in GDP Warrants

While potential revision to past GDPs and the ambiguity in terms of baseline GDP adjustment pose some risk, in our base case scenario - under ...

Linde CEO says company has much potential without merger



近期已经有学者指出,目前真实的经济增速和潜在经济增速(potential GDP)可能并不接近。如若不然,明显的产能过剩状况又怎么会出现呢? 主流的观点认为,中国真...

EM Daily:The world after Brexit

Brexit's global economic implications are modest because of the UK's relatively small share in global GDP (a little over 2%). But its potential impact on...

Indonesia-2Q GDP:So-so

2Q16 GDP rose 5.2% y-o-y, beating market and HSBC expectations of 5.0... Private consumer spending remained on an even keel (albeitsub-potential),... >>2 Comments

Potential trade wars:The sector and stock impact of higher t

This report considers the potential impact of punitive US import tariffs ... Our strategyis already biased towards recovering nominal GDP driven by ...

