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时间:2017-03-30 21:26 类别:热点新闻


一个国家,等他的GDP达到25000美金/人之后,他也不增长了。 如果扣除了通货膨... 为什么有人掌握了工业革命之后全部科技,还把国家搞成了North Korea. 那么,事... >>2 Comments

朝鲜发布三十多年首个“五年计划” 推经济改革

《华盛顿邮报》援引发起朝鲜领袖观察(North Korea Leadership Watch)网站的... 但增幅较低。据韩媒援引韩国统计厅数据显示,朝鲜2011年GDP增速为0.8%、... >>2 Comments


Korean media: North Korea set up a special team responsible for the ... scared to! North Green net National fiscal education funding for GDP for 4...


South Korea to start the review of the draft military intelligence agreement ... economic data released more than GDP growth picked up North Green ...

发表于 2016-11-16 15:57

on China among North Asia banks. A potential Sino-US trade war isa risk... economies in the region (particularly China, TW & Korea), but the ...


Changji added value of the service industry GDP accounted for more than ... Shock! After reading you still believe that semi-permanent make-up Korea?...

The pendulum swings out

increase debt-to-GDP by 25 percentage points by 2026. Even if he does ... on threat of tariffs and the scrapping of the North American Free Trade ...

