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时间:2017-03-30 21:26 类别:热点新闻


(GDP per capita)达1,228美元,该行并预测本(2016)年之经济成长率将达7%,与国际货币基金(IMF)所预测者同,而亚洲开发银行(ADB)则预测7.2%,然而柬埔寨仍持续...

India Is Not The Next China

trillion (2016; IMF). These economies are in no way comparable. The Chinese economy is more than 5 times larger. China's GDP per capita stands ... >>2 Comments

金砖国家面面观 Perspectives on BRICS Nations

Data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) shows that the BRICS ... in 2015. 2014年金砖国家GDP和人均GDPGDP and Per Capita GDP of ...


assets," IMF staff wrote in a technical note. "GDP (gross domestic product)... Print Mail Large Medium SmallSince China's per capita GDP has reached ...


拜石油所赐,沙特及海湾六国人均GDP比较高,但人口有限,所以经济总量不高; 法... 下图是各市场的人均可支配收入 Per Capita Disposable Income($)。需要注意... >>2 Comments

Budget 2016: Surplus nowhere in sight

IMF forecasts of world growth suggest that the budget is in trouble before it... It might help cover our structural deficit, but our GDP per capita will ...


Energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 5 percent. Economic ... Living standards were improved. Personal per capita disposable income ...

